Billiards and Collisions

페이지 정보

작성자 Gay Phillips
댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 24-09-18 21:58


The table is open after the break shot and remains open until the shooter pockets balls from only one group on a legal normal shot, which means not a break shot and not a free shot. If the breaker pockets a ball and does not foul, he continues at the table, and the table remains open. The cue ball must either cross the head string or contact a ball in front of or on the head string or the shot is a foul, and the cue ball is in hand for the following player according to the rules of the specific game. In any case, there is no restriction on which object ball the shooter may play as the first shot of the new rack. The object balls are racked as tightly as possible in a diamond shape, with the one ball at the apex of the diamond and on the foot spot and the nine ball in the middle of the diamond. The other balls will be placed in the diamond without purposeful or intentional pattern. The other balls are placed in the triangle without purposeful or intentional pattern.

If the balls cannot be restored to their original positions, the situation is handled like a stalemate. If a ball falls into a pocket as the result of such settling, it is restored as closely as possible to its original position. If the cue ball or object ball is barely outside the marked rack area and it is time to rack, the referee should mark the position of the ball to allow it to be accurately replaced if it is accidently moved by the referee when racking. It involves 16 balls, which are made up of 15 object balls and one cue ball. When the balls are re-racked, the apex ball is committed if only fourteen balls are being racked. If the referee observes that no progress is being made towards a conclusion, he will announce his decision, and each player will have three more turns at the table. Atmospheric considerations are ignored here since it is far more energy-efficient to manually remove the Earth's atmosphere, move the planet, and reinstall it. If the cue stick contacts the cue ball more than once on a shot, the shot is a foul.

After a foul has been committed the incoming player is awarded a free shot. On a free shot Rule 6.2 Wrong Ball First is suspended and the player may take the cue ball in position or in hand in baulk. If a settling ball falls into a pocket during or just prior to a shot, and this has an effect on the shot, the referee will restore the position and the shot will be replayed. The non-breaking player may accept the balls in position or may require the breaker to play another opening break shot, what is billiards until he satisfies the requirements for an opening break or the non-shooting player accepts the table in position. Pocketing the eight ball on a legal break shot is not a foul. If the cue ball is very close to an object ball, and the shooter barely grazes that object ball on the shot, the shot is assumed not to violate the first paragraph of this rule, even though the tip is arguably still on the cue ball when ball-ball contact is made. The referee should be careful to inspect and announce the status of any object ball that might be frozen to a cushion and the cue ball when it might be frozen to a ball.

The baulk line is parallel to the head rail and one fifth of the length of the playing surface away from the head cushion. The contour of the bridge head should be smooth in order not to mar the cue shaft or rip the threads of the table-cloth when being used. Whether balls are being spotted after safeties depends on the rules of the particular game. However, if the cue ball is touching an object ball at the start of the shot, it is legal to shoot towards or partly into that ball (provided it is a legal target within the rules of the game) and if the object ball is moved by such a shot, it is considered to have been contacted by the cue ball. An object ball is said to be "on" when it is a legal target for the shooter. The shooter is not penalized for shooting while a ball is settling.


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