Glossary of Cue Sports Terms

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작성자 Gloria
댓글 0건 조회 10회 작성일 24-07-11 12:01


It is normally the first coat applied, then it is sanded and followed by other coatings that bond to it. One of its first major uses was as guncotton, a replacement for gunpowder as propellant in firearms. Nitrocellulose (also known as cellulose nitrate, flash paper, flash cotton, guncotton, pyroxylin and flash string, depending on form) is a highly flammable compound formed by nitrating cellulose through exposure to a mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid. In the form of collodion it was also a critical component in an early photographic emulsion, the use of which revolutionized photography in the 1860s. In the 20th century it was adapted to automobile lacquer and adhesives. This was used commercially as "celluloid", a highly flammable plastic that until the mid-20th century formed the basis for lacquers and photographic film. Many films produced during the early 20th century were lost through this accelerating, self-catalyzed disintegration or through studio warehouse fires, and many others were deliberately destroyed specifically to avoid the fire risk. 1803. I.A. Retrieved 10 October 2021. See Wikipedia page "1914 Lubin vault fire".

Salvaging old films is a major problem for film archivists (see film preservation). Millions of feet of film burned on March 19 at the Eclair Moving Picture Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. You could repeat this thousands of times over the course of millions of years. LED lights last up to 3x longer than CFL bulbs and 20x longer than incandescent bulbs, which means you’ll save serious money over the long run. The British chemist Frederick Augustus Abel developed the first safe process for guncotton manufacture, which he patented in 1865. The washing and drying times of the nitrocellulose were both extended to 48 hours and repeated eight times over. In 1851, Frederick Scott Archer invented the wet collodion process as a replacement for albumen in early photographic emulsions, binding light-sensitive silver halides to a glass plate. More-stable and slower-burning collodion mixtures were eventually prepared using less concentrated acids at lower temperatures for smokeless powder in firearms.

You can get a lot of cue ball control when using English correctly. However, due to the predominance of US-originating terminology in most internationally competitive pool (as opposed to snooker), US terms are also common in the pool context in other countries in which English is at least a minority language, and US (and borrowed French) terms predominate in carom billiards. In terms of lacquers and coatings, nitrocellulose dissolves readily in organic solvents, which upon evaporation leave a colorless, transparent, flexible film. Related fires in other medical facilities prompted the growing disuse of nitrocellulose stock for X-rays by 1933, nearly two decades before its use was discontinued for motion-picture films in favour of cellulose acetate film, more commonly known as "safety film". The yields are about 85%, with losses attributed to complete oxidation of the cellulose to oxalic acid. Membrane filters made of a mesh of nitrocellulose threads with various porosities are used in laboratory procedures for particle retention and cell capture in liquid or gaseous solutions and, reversely, obtaining particle-free filtrates. Nitrocellulose lacquer is spin-coated onto aluminium or glass discs, then a groove is cut with a lathe, to make one-off phonograph records, used as masters for pressing or for play in dance clubs.

In England and Wales, there are around 170 clubs affiliated with the Croquet Association. In Stephen King's 1977 novel The Shining, the main character, Jack Torrance, uses a croquet mallet to chase and attack the other characters. Norman Rockwell often depicted the game, including in his painting Croquet. The table is "open" at the start of the game, meaning that either player may shoot at any ball. So just click on the pics above to go to the Rugs page, where you may download unattractive base-object rugs with multiple tiles. An alternative endgame is "poison": in this variant, a player who has scored the last wicket but not hit the starting stake becomes a "poison ball", which may eliminate other balls from the game by roqueting them. The last person remaining is the winner. Early 20th-century 10 by 5 ft (3.0 by 1.5 m) models are occasionally also still used. The use of nitrate film and the looming threat of its fiery potential were certainly not issues limited to the realm of motion pictures or to commercial still photography. 8, 9.5, and 16 mm film stocks, intended for amateur and other nontheatrical use, were never manufactured with a nitrate base in the west, but rumors exist of 16 mm nitrate film having been produced in the former Soviet Union and China.

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